📄 2021 Bubble Watch: Update Feb 6th

 📄 2021 Bubble Watch: Update Feb 6th

The updated CBGM Bubble Watch is out. Check out who’s potentially in and who’s potentially out.

Nothing better than starting a new theme around here to get some images from smaller schools! Let’s take a look at some interesting names on the list. We see Coach Kevz’s Texas Arlington Sun Belt team sitting in the 59th position with a NET 119. MachineEarnedRuns and his Ohio Bobcats are sitting at #55 with a good chance to be called to the dance. On the outside looking in are some very big names. Kentucky, Louisville, Syracuse. They’ll need some deep runs in the conference tournament to find their place.

Now’s the time to get hot. There is a month to go!


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3 years ago

Don’t get too comfy on those projected automatic bids, if you’re below all the at-larges it just takes one loss in the tournament and it all goes poof. NIU has a few things to say about Ohio’s chance to be called to the dance.

3 years ago

Woohoo #OU #OhYeah go Bobcats

Chris (GM Games)
Chris (GM Games)
3 years ago

Kentucky & Louisville sitting outside inclusion. Hmm. *sip* … Oh Well!