πŸ“„ NBGM Lottery Results! & Scout Rankings (S24)

 πŸ“„ NBGM Lottery Results! & Scout Rankings (S24)

Did your favorite NBGM team get lucky? Who is going to be fortunate enough to take some of the CBGM’s biggest stars? The odds were best for Pistons, Nuggets, Rockets but it’s been hard to keep top position.

The Raps have won the lottery! They will be looking to add some help for Dan McRae of CBGM (UNC) and Jasper Taylor of (Wisconsin) CBGM.

Now that we know how the order is lined up.. Let’s share what the scouting network has to say about our top picks…

Top 5 Projection (NBGM Scouting Network)

Archibald Boyd, Oregon

Orville Swartz, UCLA

Ronald Taylor, Ohio State

Milton Thompson, Michigan

Gilbert Lewis, Memphis


1st Round Lottery Projections

Mid to Late 1st Round

2nd Round (Early)

2nd Round (Late)

The order often shakes up quite a bit by the time the draft comes around. The AI is known to select GLeague Ignite players with the pool of CBGM talent.

In Game Date: June 17th


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