CBGM Statistics | College Basketball General Manager
5-6 (0-0)
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Basic Stats
PGDevin Thornton [SO - (R)]
PGRoland Hough [SO]601.
PGRudolph Doran [SO]501.
SGCash Greenfield [FR]111126.
SGLeighton Collier [SR]111127.
SGKeith Thames [SR - (R)]11010.
SGDarrell Alexander [SR]11014.
SFGregory Wilkins [JR]1104.
SFKeshawn Wiley [SO]501.
PFC.J. Guinn [FR]11014.
PFBen Rios [SO]111126.
PFDre Fraser [SO]111126.
PFHarold Morales [FR]111128.84.410.7.4071.56.2.2502.53.4.7571.
CDarryl Hoffman [FR - (R)]702.
CRory Roberts [FR]1109.
Shooting Stats
PGDevin Thornton [SO - (R)].625.
PGRoland Hough [SO].
PGRudolph Doran [SO].
SGCash Greenfield [FR].489.
SGLeighton Collier [SR].435.
SGKeith Thames [SR - (R)].696.
SGDarrell Alexander [SR].634.000.049.366.220.366.423.000.500.467.333.400
SFGregory Wilkins [JR].688.125.125.313.125.313.545.500.500.600.5001.000
SFKeshawn Wiley [SO].
PFC.J. Guinn [FR].681.149.106.362.064.319.4381.000.600.176.333.333
PFBen Rios [SO].941.103.397.397.044.059.453.857.519.333.000.250
PFDre Fraser [SO].654.
PFHarold Morales [FR].424.
CDarryl Hoffman [FR - (R)]1.000.0001.
CRory Roberts [FR].882.
Advanced Stats
PGDevin Thornton [SO - (R)]16.9-24.941.92.9.450.3750.
PGRoland Hough [SO]32.0-7.139.1N/A.636.6360.032.816.7-
PGRudolph Doran [SO]28.8-7.836.6N/A.500.5000.00.00.01517.
SGCash Greenfield [FR]-5.1-0.8-4.312.1.515.4732.619.811.319.53.83.817.80.926.5
SGLeighton Collier [SR]-7.42.3-
SGKeith Thames [SR - (R)]4.8-5.310.19.4.538.4575.515.910.818.74.44.429.00.721.3
SGDarrell Alexander [SR]-7.2-1.4-
SFGregory Wilkins [JR]-5.1-3.0-2.1N/A.840.8440.
SFKeshawn Wiley [SO]-8.05.7-13.7N/A.438.4380.024.612.5-488.911.
PFC.J. Guinn [FR]-9.4-0.5-8.810.6.469.4577.713.010.412.73.14.613.30.923.6
PFBen Rios [SO]-2.6-3.91.312.5.504.4499.325.017.314.
PFDre Fraser [SO]-2.5-
PFHarold Morales [FR]-1.7-5.53.815.1.525.4795.821.413.721.
CDarryl Hoffman [FR - (R)]31.11.529.6N/A.532.0000.017.48.825.
CRory Roberts [FR]-14.64.2-
Miscellaneous Stats
PGDevin Thornton [SO - (R)]
PGRoland Hough [SO]
PGRudolph Doran [SO]
SGCash Greenfield [FR]
SGLeighton Collier [SR]
SGKeith Thames [SR - (R)]
SGDarrell Alexander [SR]
SFGregory Wilkins [JR]
SFKeshawn Wiley [SO]
PFC.J. Guinn [FR]
PFBen Rios [SO]
PFDre Fraser [SO]
PFHarold Morales [FR]
CDarryl Hoffman [FR - (R)]
CRory Roberts [FR]
Stats Key

GP - Games Played

GS - Games Started

MIN - Minutes Played

FGM - Field Goals Made

FGA - Field Goals Attempted

FG% - Field Goal Percentage

3PM - 3 Pointers Made

3PA - 3 Pointers Attempted

3P% - 3 Point Percentage

FTM - Free Throws Made

FTA - Free Throws Attempted

FT% - Free Throw Percentage

ORB - Offensive Rebounds

DRB - Defensive Rebounds

TRB - Total Rebounds

AST - Assists

STL - Steals

BLK - Blocks

TOV - Turnovers

PF - Personal Fouls

PTS - Points

2PA - Percent of shots as 2 pointers

0-3A - Percent of shots within 3 feet

3-10A - Percent of shots from 3-10 feet

10-16A - Percent of shots from 10-16 feet

16-3PA - Percent of shots from 16 feet to 3 point line

3PA - Percent of shots as 3 pointers

2P% - Field Goal Percentage from 2 point range

0-3% - Field Goal Percentage within 3 feet

3-10% - Field Goal Percentage from 3-10 feet

10-16% - Field Goal Percentage from 10-16 feet

16-3P% - Field Goal Percentage from 16 feet to 3 point line

3P% - Field Goal Percentage from 3 point range

ON - +/- While on court

OFF - +/- While off court

NET - Net +/-

PER - Player Efficiency Rating

TS% - True Shooting Percentage

EFG% - Effective Field Goal Percentage

ORB% - Offensive Rebound Percentage

DRB% - Defensive Rebound Percentage

TRB% - Total Rebound Percentage

AST% - Assist Percentage

STL% - Steal Percentage

BLK% - Block Percentage

TO% - Turnover Percentage

A/TO - Assist to Turnover Ratio

USG% - Usage Percentage

DRVS - Drives Stopped

DRVF - Drives Faced

STP% - Percentage of drives stopped

TOFC - Turnovers Forced

PTAL - Points Allowed

SHTF - Shots Faced

PA/SF - Points Allowed per Shots Faced

TCHS - Touches

TO/TCH - Turnovers per Touches

A/TCH - Assists per Touches

CHRG - Charges Taken

TECH - Technical Fouls

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